Thursday, December 6, 2007

This Is What They Discussed....

The interview started out with what I would say is pretty typical. The kids explained they did want a little brother and why they wanted a little brother. Tim told Laura he is out-numbered and wishes not to be any longer. He added that he didn't mind that his brother would be lot younger because he gets along with all kids. Megan said she wanted a little brother but didn't want to share him with anyone (a very expected reaction from our middle child...) And Kate said she loves babies, so she was ready to have one in our family. Laura then asked if it was okay for Kate to no longer be the "baby" of the family. Kate responded by telling her that she would always be "my Mommy's baby" and Jonathan would be "Mommy's baby from Haiti." So, for the most part, the beginning of the meeting seemed status quot.

Then came time for the house tour; which Laura asked the kids to provide. Boy, was that going to be entertaining! Throughout the child-guided tour, Laura learned about Gil, our 4 year old Beta fish, and where our cats go to the bathroom. They also told Laura that their rooms are usually messy, but since Mom hires cleaning ladies, they get cleaned once a week. Nicccce! Tim then proceeded to explain how he has become a WWF fan lately and asked if she would like to see him wrestle our life-size Elmo. (OMG!) It was at that point I jumped in and joined the tour. I knew once they got into Grandpa's bedroom, the stories would fly. Fortunately, by then the kids had lost interest in the entire interview and had started being their goofy selves. At least they were being real.

Mike and I sat with Laura for a few minutes before it was time for her to leave. We learned about the rest of the home study process and what to expect time-wise from DCFS and the wait for our I-171H. I had to think about that for a second... ...our I-171H... OUR I-171H!!! Laura was explaining that we were approved and she would have our homestudy written and ready to be certified by next Friday! YAHOO!

So, my kids being real was a really good thing, or Laura really likes Beta fish....


Kersten3 said...

I'm so glad to hear it all went so well today. Sounds like the kids were pretty comfortable with Laura. HA!! It made me laugh to read about it.
See you tomorrow,

It's Gonna Be Me said...

Funny you should mention that, Kelly... Laura commented on how the kids "certainly aren't shy at all."

I wonder if that was a compliment?