Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Home With Jesus!

My grandmother has passed away. She has finally gone home to Jesus. Thank you, Lord, for ending her suffering and pain. I know she is forever happy now living an eternity in Your arms!

When I was praying in bed last night, I humbly asked the Lord to please let my grandmother's life end. I don't usually ask God for favors or ask Him to "do" anything. Typically, I pray seeking guidance. However, last night, I asked Him to please take Grandma. I asked Him to open His doors to heaven and let her come home. I wanted her suffering to end and prayed He would finally take her.

This was at 11:45 last night. After I prayed, I felt a heaviness and tightening in my chest. I eventually relaxed, feeing a strong connection to the Holy Spirit. Usually, I have a very difficult time falling asleep. However, last night I felt as if God was hearing my plea and anwering my prayers. I felt peace take over my heart and I just knew Grandma would be okay. This peace helped me to fall asleep.

I spoke to my Aunt Pat early this morning. She told me Grandma had away passed just before Midnight. I know many will think it's a coincidence. However, as soon as I heard the time Grandma died, I knew my prayers had been answered. God was letting me know I no longer needed to worry as He would take care of her.

Thank You, Jesus, for listening to my prayers! Grandma is forever living in Your glory and Your loving home. I pray for everyone who grieves over the loss of Irene. I pray they will also find peace within their hearts to love You and know Grandma is eternally happy with You!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Iam so sorry....I will be praying for you. Let me know if I can help in any way.
