Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Most Precious Gift

We received the most precious holiday gift in the mail today. It was in an envelope addressed to Mama and Papa Monfils and had Merry Christmas written across the top. Mama and Papa Monfils…it had to be from Haiti ~ sure enough it was!

Inside were two handmade cards from Daniel and Jonathan. Their names were written on the front along with “Look what I made for you!” Their handprints were stamped on the cover. Daniel drew a picture inside the card, and Jonathan’s footprint was stamped on the inside cover. Included was a photo of each of the boys taken while they were creating these priceless masterpieces.

We are so blessed to be involved Three Angels Children’s Relief! It is such an incredible organization headed by such devoted and caring people. I would have never imagined ever getting such a wonderful gift from the boys; however, it is no surprise we did. The people, parents and families involved with Three Angels have hearts of GOLD! They are always thinking about the children, the staff and the adoptive families. We are so lucky!

I will cherish these precious cards from our boys! After the holidays I plan to get them framed. I will hang them aside our children’s framed artwork displayed on the walls down our hallway. Each time I walk by them, I will think of Daniel and Jonathan and their first pieces of art ~ just as I do when I look at the others. I will also be reminded of the wonderful people of Three Angels and how fortunate we are to have them in our lives!

Thank you, Three Angels! You have given us the most precious Christmas gift. God bless all of you!


Anonymous said... precious Colleen. What a great Christmas gift.

I am so thankful that you are adopting from them too! I knew from the moment that I met Gretchen, years ago, that she was one special lady!

Love ya

angela said...

praise God!

CG said...

AMEN, Colleen! We originally were about to start with a different O the very day Cara B sent me the photo of Joslin which changed our lives forever. I have never looked back. The more I learn about TA's and the AWESOME people who work at and are adopting through them the happier I am. TA's folks are becoming a second family to me. It is fantastic the way the Lord has brought all these great adoptive parents and wonderful children together for His glory.

Elisabeth said...

so... is daniel a Monfils??

It's Gonna Be Me said...

Lizzie, we are praying he will be! We have to wait out the 6 months until he is declared abandoned. We will know mid-April for sure. So for now, Daniel is a Monfils is our hearts!

Any softening by your mom for the January trip travels? I am still hoping to have a lunch-prep buddy!

Elisabeth said...

it doesn't look like i'm going.. :( but i'm glad to hear that about Daniel!!

tandtknox said...

Hi, I wish I too were going down to the O! I did not realize you were adopting Daniel in addition to Jonathan...praise God! I was there the day that he came to the O...he already seems calmer, more like a little boy his age. May the Lord bless your time down there. Give Spendy a hug for me. I ache to be with him, as I'm sure you know!