Friday, August 24, 2007

Thinking Positive

“…Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect His will really is.” Romans 12:2

God wants us free from the negative voices within us. He has given us a way to determine whether our beliefs and emotions are true or false. God promised to “transform our minds to know the truth” (Romans 12:2) when we compare our situation or perceptions to His Word. God wants us to know that His plan for us is to prosper in our daily lives.

Negative thoughts can hold us back from enjoying and prospering in our relationships, jobs, and health. Many times, we allow negative thoughts to determine our emotional response; thoughts of fear, abandonment, and betrayal. Many people are trapped by the negative recorded messages of “I don’t deserve” or “if you only knew what I’ve done” or “I have been so hurt, I can’t forgive”. We should shed these thoughts and listen to the Lord.

~ from
Angela L. Craig at a site of devotionals for girlfriends

I have always found this to be the best way to go through life ~~~ looking at the positive side of things always knowing God will provide. God is so good and I am so blessed. Even when times are not so good and tragedy prevails, I know God is there working His plan. I work so hard on being thankful and remembering all the wonderful blessings God has given our family. I do my best to “pay it forward” each day as the good Lord as blessed the Monfils over and over again!

It does pay to think positive and listen to what God is telling us. He has a wonderful plan for each of us. If we stop to listen, He will provide us with the directions to that plan! Sometimes it may take a while to hear what God is saying, but patience and thinking good things helps!

I write this entry to help keep myself in check. There are certainly days when it gets crazy around our house and I forget all I need to be thankful for in my life! I do look back on my writings often and will use this as a great reminder when the going gets tough! I hope it has also helped those who read our blog.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I LOVE that and totally agree!!!

See you tomorrow!
