Saturday, October 4, 2008

Request: Per Kristina

Here ya go, Kristina, the "Up Date" you were asking about.
.......................... +
See , I am still full of laughs even after being away from ya'll for a few days.

Actually, life has been so busy here since I arrived home. I promise to do some posting in the very near future. Lots to say, just so little time.

Thanks for checkin' in with us!


Petion-ville, Haiti said...

Your talking "Haitian" few days not American it seem like months for me.
Pictures and comments ,your starving me. They all look like they have aged a year since I have been gone a whole month plus afew days.Sandy

Kathy Eden said...

That's hilarious Colleen...not to mention very creative!!! :o)

Kristina said...

YES American days...NOT Haitian days please!

thanks for the smile, but I'm beginning to think you have some cheese head roots! :o

Chop chop with the updates about Haiti. Pictures, your thoughts, how AWESOME your team was!!!!

Salzwedel Family said...

Yeah, I want to hear more about the amazing team you had. Word on the street is they were the best ever!

Kristina ~ no cheese head would come up with "updates" like that. Come on now, give the cheese some credit.

It's Gonna Be Me said...

Just when I post something nice about ya'll... Where is the delete button anyway?

Stephanie, there is no way a cheesehead could come up with such a clever "update." There is no room in a cheese-stuffed head to allow it.

Now don't let my next post go to your heads, girls. I can always retract if need be!